Call center representative using Switchboard, MD's automated Call Center solution

Call Center

Call center icon

Tech-enabled agent performance to unify the patient experience.

Call centers have seen a drastic increase in call volumes, staffing shortages, and hard to navigate communication channels—resulting in inconsistent patient experiences across the healthcare delivery model.

We bring automation to the manual process steps of call center operations through tech-enabled user experiences with features that unify the patient experience for clinical and non-clinical calls by introducing a new work style for agents. This allows your team to focus more on the patient conversation, and less on repetitive tasks.

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Signature Issues

Patient Experience: 73% of patients expect organizations to understand their unique needs
Workforce Challenges: 20% of labor costs attributed to voluntary turnover due to burnout
Increased Cost: 7.7% reduced operating expenses in internal, centralized healthcare call centers
  1. Salesforce. Salesforce Report: Nearly 90% Of Buyers Say Experience a Company Provides Matters as Much as Products or Services. Salesforce News. Published May 10, 2022.

  2. Gallup. Employees Need High Wellbeing for High Performance. Published 2019.

  3. Kappa SF, McClain C, Wallace K, et al. Implementation of a Centralized, Cost-effective Call Center in a Large Urology Community Practice. Rev Urol. 2020;22(2):67-74.

Key Features

Transcripted conversation icon

Live Transcription

Capture every detail of conversations by using advanced voice-to-text technology, providing auto-generated transcripts for your team to analyze, understand, and enhance communication effectiveness.

Written summary icon

Call Summarization

Automatically transform full-length patient conversations into concise, yet detailed, summaries that are promptly delivered to agents and providers for more streamlined operations.

Pattern cycle icon

Sentiment Analysis + Pattern Detection

Use Large Language Models (LLMs) to analyze patient-agent conversations that evaluate sentiment analysis and detect patterns to classify and predict high-risk medical events.

Phone call routing to message icon

Real-Time Message Routing

Prevent agent overload by optimizing communication speed, automating post-call redundant work, and using real-time message routing to the appropriate care team resource.

Screen pop icon

Screen Pops

Improve call handling and amplify the patient experience by directing high-priority call center messages to the right person for efficient handling and a heightened level of service via dynamic scripting.

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) icon

Retrieval Augmented Generation

Accelerate information retrieval during patient conversations by instantly searching for relevant data from clinical records, empowering agents to quickly provide precise insights and answers.

Elevating Experience

Route of access points within health systems: Patient portal, virtual care, agent, clinic and hospital, referral, claim, payment

Patients expect a consistent experience across all access points within a health system.

The demand for exceptional patient experience must be enabled by real-time integration of advanced technology.

Current Workflow State

In this workflow, the call center representative is responsible for manually completing 4 steps within the 6 step process prior to a clinician reviewing the routed inbasket message.

Current state: 1) Patient initiates call 2) Representative fields inbound phone call 3) Conversation documented in EMR 4) Inbasket message manually created 5) Inbasket message sent to nurse pool 6) Clinician reviews message

Future Workflow State

Deploying our solution automates the manual process steps being performed by the call center representative, allowing your team to intently focus on the patient conversation.

Future state: 1) Patient initiates call 2) Representative fields phone call  3) SBMD transcribes & converts voice to text 4) SBMD analyzes conversation 5) SBMD routes message to correct destination based on model prediction 6) Clinician review

Ready to learn more?

Contact us today to learn more about how Call Center can benefit your organization.